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News & Events
Antiracism Learning Community Meeting
Together, we share, support and learn. Antiracism Learning Community of the API Caucus will meet at 4pm PST on July 16 (Thursday).
API Social Hour Summer 2020
API Social Hour Summer 2020 will be held at 5:30pm PST on July 22 (Wed). It is a pure fun social hour event. Let’s make friends, hang out and have fun!
Antiracism Learning Community of the API Caucus
We are excited to announce that the caucus recently created Antiracism Learning Community of the API Caucus for our members to have a safe place to share their experiences, learn from and support each other and take actions to make changes in this profession and in the communities. We are working on developing and sustaining an allyship with our Black colleagues and the Black community. Please email if you would like to join this wonderful community.
Black Lives Matter
Meet & Greet with API Board Members
The Asian Pacific Islander Speech-Language-Hearing (APISLH) Caucus is excited to announce a virtual Zoom meeting from 4-5pm (PST) on June 11, 2020. We would like to invite you to join us! Our meeting theme is “meet & greet”. The caucus board members will host the meeting and facilitate conversation. In this meeting, we hope that our members will
- make new friends and catch up with old friends
- ask questions and offer ideas
- learn about current caucus tasks and be involved in the caucus
If you plan to join us, please register here. We will send you a zoom link prior to the meeting. This is our first virtual meeting. We plan to have a monthly virtual meeting and are looking forward to meeting you!